Stephen Ratcliffe “sound of wave in channel” added to ModPoPLUS week 10
Stephen Ratcliffe wrote a 1,000-section poem in which each section describes the weather, the way the waves in a particular Pacific Ocean channel looks at sounds, and follows other constraints — making for a poem that mesmerizes, repeats, drones, changes at the speed of the climate. It’s sound of wave in channel and the ModPo team discusses a few sections of the poem. Those sections and the video of our discussion have been added to ModPoPLUS week 10.
15.1 read 7 sections from Ratcliffe’s 1,000-page poem “Sound of Wave in Channel”: LINK TO TEXT
15.2 listen to Ratcliffe perform these 7 sections and more: LINK TO AUDIO
15.3 photograph taken by Al Filreis of the view described in “Sound of Wave in Channel”: LINK TO PHOTO
153. watch discussion of Ratcliffe’s “Sound of Wave in Channel”: LINK TO VIDEO [OFFSITE COPIES: 1, 2]