Amber Rose Johnson offers a SloPo course & weekly Zoom office hours!
I’m delighted to announce two ModPo activities to be hosted by beloved ModPo TA Amber Rose Johnson:
1) Amber Rose will offer a SloPo course this spring—the fifth SloPo course we’re offering this season (look HERE to see the other four). This course is titled “Slippery Syllables, Lucid Lines: Exploring Harryette Mullen’s Poetic Experiments.” Here’s the course description: “In this mini-course, we will become bedmates with Harryette Mullen’s curious and inventive collection, Sleeping with the Dictionary. In Mullen’s work, language is a material to play with and meaning is up for grabs. Following her lead, we will conduct a few poetic experiments of our own. We will have two option hour-long zoom discussions.” To enroll, please click HERE and fill out the form.
2) Amber Rose will be holding weekly office hours from 3 PM to 4 PM (Philadelphia time) every Thursday, starting next week (March 2) and ending on April 13. The Zoom link to be used each week is this:
As always, if you have questions about ModPo of any sort, you can contact us at