The passing of Andrea Buonincontro
I’m sorry to be passing along the very sad news of the death of our dear ModPo CTA friend Andrea Buonincontro on April 23. She was just 47 years old and the ModPo family is rightly distraught and bereft at the news. Please look here
—for more information and details about memorializing her. There’s a place there where you can leave a note. Her boyfriend Brian, also an early and consistent ModPo’er, could surely use all the good wishes and consoling that we ModPo fellow citizens can offer.
Andrea got involved with ModPo at the very beginning. She and Brian often came to our live webcasts and Andrea can be seen “at the table” with the TAs in several ModPo video clips.
You can watch all seven videos in which Andrea appears by clicking here:
We’ve met a lot of great, smart, responsive people in the 11 years of ModPo—and Andrea has been among the very best. We wish Brian well and will miss Andrea greatly.