text of O’Hara’s “The Day Lady Died” ModPotext: poem or poems Frank O’Hara performs “The Day Lady Died” ModPoaudio: performance0:01:22 Frank O’Hara performs “The Day Lady Died” ModPovideo: performance0:02:26 discussion of O’Hara’s “The Day Lady Died” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:20:02 text of Ashbery’s “The Instruction Manual” ModPotext: poem or poems John Ashbery performs “The Instruction Manual” ModPoaudio: performance0:05:28 discussion of Ashbery’s “The Instruction Manual” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:18:56 further discussion of Ashbery’s “The Instruction Manual” ModPovideo: further poem discussion0:12:59 text of Guest’s “20” ModPotext: poem or poems0:01:17 discussion of Guest’s “20” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:17:35 further discussion of Guest’s “20” ModPovideo: further poem discussion0:06:08 text of Schuyler’s “February” ModPotext: poem or poems James Schuyler performs “February” ModPoaudio: performance0:02:14 discussion of Schuyler’s “February” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:17:53 text of Mayer’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” ModPotext: poem or poems Bernadette Mayer performs “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” ModPoaudio: performance0:01:39 text-audio alignment of Mayer’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” ModPoaudio: performance0:01:39 discussion of Mayer’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:14:37 text of Myles’s “Mount St. Helens” ModPotext: poem or poems Eileen Myles performs “Mount St. Helens” ModPoaudio: performance0:00:42 1 2 3 … 7 ›