Special SloPo live webcast, Thursday, June 6 starting at noon
We are convening a special SloPo season (off season) ModPo live webcast on Thursday, June 6, starting at noon Philly time. Please plan to join us!
Click this link then:
We will be talking about these three poems:
1. Larry Eigner, “sorry to turn silent”: https://media.sas.upenn.edu/afilreis/ModPoMinute/Eigner-Larry_Sorry-to-turn-silent.jpg
2. Emily Dickinson, “From blank to blank”: https://media.sas.upenn.edu/afilreis/ModPoPLUS/Dickinson-Emily_From-blank-to-blank.jpg
3. Anne Spencer, “Earth, I thank you”: http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88v/spencer-anne-earth-thank-you.html