Week 5 begins (& other updates)
Week 5, week 5! Today is our first day of week 5.
The main syllabus for week 5 is divided into four parts or “chapters.” Chapter 3 is about the communist poets of the 1930s. Chapter 4 is a brief anthology of Harlem Renaissance poets. Chapter 5 is about Robert Frost. Chapter 6 is about the neo-formalists of the 1950s. There are just a few poems each offered in chapters 3, 5, and 6. The main work of our week pertains to the Harlem Renaissance poets.
ModPoPLUS for week 5 presents an extensive range of new poems pertaining to these four areas. I’ll have more to say about our week 5 offerings in ModPoPLUS and TRC later in the week. But do explore ModPoPLUS if you have a chance!
During week 5 we will also—all together—post comments on and responses to those ModPo’ers who wrote and posted essays about the Williams poem (essay assignment #2). You can find these essays HERE. As usual, our goal is to provide at least FOUR responses to each essayist.
Our live webcast this week will take place on Thursday (at 7 PM Boston time), not on Wednesday as usual. We will be webcasting live from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Mass., and we will have a number of Boston-area ModPo’ers with us in the webcast room there at MIT, but otherwise for most ModPo webcast participants it will be the same as always: click HERE at webcast time and you’ll see us, ready to talk with you about the week’s poems.
The audio introduction to week 5 is HERE.
Wishing a happy Sunday to all,
P.S. The next meet-up of the Philadelphia ModPo group will happen on October 26, starting at 11 AM, at the Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street in Philadelphia. To get more information, and to confer with others in the Philly group, go HERE in the “Study groups & meet-ups” forum.