introducing: “ModPo shorts”!
We have begun to edit a series of 1-minute videos under the rubric “ModPo shorts.”
Our goal here is to draw in folks who don’t know about ModPo, who don’t feel they have time to watch a 20-minute, or even 5-minute, detailed discussion of a poem, but might watch for one minute—especially on Instagram, where videos of less than 1-minute just play entirely right there for you. And maybe some folks who watch will like our approach and will enroll.
These “ModPo shorts” are being edited by the very talented Makena Deveraux of the Writers House staff, with assistance from Zach.
The few first of these are here in a new ModPo playlist on YouTube:
Many of them will be added to ModPoPLUS and to the site, and I will be posting them to Facebook and Twitter as well as to Instagram.