Craig Dworkin’s “The Pine-Woods Notebook” added to ModPoPLUS week 10
Danny Snelson and Al Filreis met to discuss two book-length poems or prose poems—Craig Dworkin’s The Pine-Woods Notebook and Frances Ponge’s World War II-era The Pine Woods Notebook. Obviously there is a connection and we explored that.
Excerpts from Dworkin and Ponge have been added to the ModPoPLUS week 10 syllabus, along with the video.
Here are the links as they appear now in the syllabus:
1.1 read excerpts from Craig Dworkin’s The Pine-Woods Notebook: LINK TO TEXT
1.2 read excepts from Frances Ponge’s The Pine Woods Notebook: LINK TO TEXT
1.3 watch discussion with Danny Snelson about Dworkin and Ponge: LINK TO VIDEO [OFFSITE COPY]