ModPo update for Tuesday of week 8: 1) webcast, 2) forum activity; 3) Bay Area meet-up
The ModPo team is preparing for our quick trip to New York City tomorrow. Our live worldwide webcast will begin at 6 PM (eastern US time) at the Morgan Library. You can join us from anywhere at that time by clicking this link: WEBCAST LINK. As usual we will take your phone calls at 610-616-3208, and we will check tweets (#ModPoLive) and discussion forum posts.

Red Rock Coffee
Click your “all threads” link in our discussion forums to see what ModPo people are saying in the past few hours! Larry Eigner’s poetry is being discussed HERE. Whether Silliman’s “BART” is really “a poem” is being discussed HERE. Disability, access, and ModPo are being discussed HERE. Children & memory & trauma & Hejinian’s “My Life” (an experimental autiobiography) are being discussed HERE. And so much more…
I’m pleased to announce that the ModPo’ers in Silicon Valley (south of San Francisco) have now scheduled a meet-up in that area. The meet-up will take place starting at 6 PM (Pacific time) on Wednesday, October 28th, at the Red Rock Coffee ( — 201 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041). If you are in the Bay Area, or plan on passing through this Wednesday, please plan to join Jake Marmer, Amaris Cuchanski, and others at this gathering!