ModPo update: Laynie Browne!
Al Filreis writes:
As part of our series of announcements as we prepare for ModPo 2023 (the “symposium mode” that runs from 10 weeks starting September 2), I have a great honor and pleasure of telling you something very good that you already know—that the talented poet and teacher Laynie Browne will of course join us again as ModPo’s coordinator! Laynie is a member of the ModPo team (with Al, Chris, Zach and Sophia) and she leads us through our weekly planning meetings all year, prepares the poems and venues for our journeys beyond Philly (including Scotland in October ’23!), organizes the weekly webcasts each autumn, dreams up new additions to ModPoPLUS, joins me for many of the new videos we make, teaches a version of ModPo each fall as a for-credit online course, participates as an avid member of the Writers House community, and, of course, continues to write her poems and share them in book after book, reading after reading.
Let’s celebrate the vital presence in ModPo’s world of the great Laynie Browne!