Further discussion of “demilitarizing” & defamiliarizing language (video)
Here is a further discussion of (Cage’s idea of) defamiliarizing and defamiliarizing language—a video clip from our November 7, 2018 week 9 live webcast:
Here is a further discussion of (Cage’s idea of) defamiliarizing and defamiliarizing language—a video clip from our November 7, 2018 week 9 live webcast:
Here is a video clip from the week 9 live webcast (November 7, 2018).
Celina found a wonderful prompt for her mesostic re-writing. Below is her explanation & here is where you can find her mesostic poem: https://www.coursera.org/learn/modpo/discussions/all/threads/whmWHOUkEeim-Ap6C5Wgvg
If you go back to week 5 (chapter 3—on communist poets) and find Genevieve Taggard’s “Interior,” and then remove all the words beginning with “a” (per one of the Bernadette Mayer experiments), this is...
If it’s your intention to post a response to assignment #4 (create a mesostic or do one of Bernadette’s writing experiments), I would strongly urge you to create it and post it HERE before Sunday if possible. We will all begin...
Oh, oh, the range of responses to the week 9 poems! I love it. On one hand, we have the “Hmmm, I don’t quite get it” thread. On the other hand, we have the “OMG I’m...
If you didn’t catch our webcast live earlier tonight, please watch the recording HERE. The video hasn’t been edited yet, so for now you will want to skip forward to 13:20 in order to see...
Some compelling mesostic poems have been made by ModPo people already. Check them out HERE. HERE is one by Marc Bauch that “writes through” one of Ahab’s famous scenes in Moby-Dick. HERE is one by Sophia Naz...
Welcome again to week 9. In the main ModPo syllabus this week, we read and discuss the aleatory writing of John Cage, Jackson Mac Low, Jena Osman, and Joan Retallack—and the writing experiments of...