community discussion of Robinson’s “Leaves of Class” CCCRvideo: CCCR0:10:35 text of Robinson’s “Leaves of Class” ModPoPLUStext: poem or poems discussion of Robinson’s “Leaves of Class” ModPoPLUSvideo: primary poem discussion0:31:43 text of Hejinian’s “My Life” ModPotext: poem or poems Lyn Hejinian performing sections of “My Life” ModPoaudio: performance0:15:27 discussion of Hejinian’s “My Life” (part 1) ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:24:23 discussion of Hejinian’s “My Life” (part 2) ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:23:23 abridged version of discussion of “My Life” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:23:49 text of Perelman’s “Chronic Meanings” ModPotext: poem or poems Bob Perelman’s note on “Chronic Meanings” ModPotext: criticism or other Bob Perelman discusses “Chronic Meanings” ModPoaudio: discussion0:01:22 Bob Perelman performs “Chronic Meanings” ModPoaudio: performance0:05:21 text-audio alignment of Perelman’s “Chronic Meanings” ModPoaudio: performance0:05:21 discussion of Perelman’s “Chronic Meanings” ModPovideo: primary poem discussion0:21:42 further discussion of Perelman’s “Chronic Meanings” ModPovideo: further poem discussion0:13:16 text of “In a Restless World Like This Is” ModPotext: poem or poems Charles Bernstein performs “In a Restless World Like This Is” ModPoaudio: performance0:00:53 text-audio alignment of Bernstein’s “In a Restless World Like This Is” ModPoaudio: performance0:00:53 PoemTalk on Bernstein’s “In a Restless World Like This Is” ModPoaudio: PoemTalk0:26:13 PoemTalk on Bernstein’s “In a Restless World Like This Is” (abridged) ModPoaudio: PoemTalk0:18:08 1 2 3 … 6 ›