Rosmarie Waldrop writes through the Declaration of Independence
Listen as Rosmarie Waldrop writes through the Declaration of Independence using N+7 chance operations:
Listen as Rosmarie Waldrop writes through the Declaration of Independence using N+7 chance operations:
We have now added to ModPoPLUS week 9 a 4-minute video in which we discuss John Cage’s conception of beauty.
Monday of week 9! Have you encountered John Cage’s explanation for why he thinks we should make English less understandable? If not, please take a look HERE. As usual, we are holding office hours...
Today we begin week 9 (chapter 9.2) of ModPo 2019. Week 9 is about aleatory poetry—poems written by or through chance operations, quasi-nonintentional poems, poems written through or in spite of severe rules or...
Hello and greetings from the Kelly Writers House on this Friday of week 8 of ModPo 2019! SloPo Two more weeks left of what we call “the symposium mode” of ModPo for this year!...
Further discussion of John Cage’s idea that poetry can demilitarize language:
Watch this 4-minute clip from a 2018 webcast in which Jason Zuzga talks about poetry as yoga:
On the pleasures & disappointments of making your own aleatory (chance-based) poetry—a video clip from our week 9 webcast in 2018. Josh Schuster joined us for this webcast.
Here is a further discussion of (Cage’s idea of) defamiliarizing and defamiliarizing language—a video clip from our November 7, 2018 week 9 live webcast:
Here is a video clip from the week 9 live webcast (November 7, 2018).