ModPo webcast at the Morgan Library in NY – 10/26/2022
We at the Kelly Writers House are thrilled to invite you to join us for a special edition of our weekly “ModPo” live interactive webcasts. For this event the Writers House/ModPo team will be traveling to New York City. Details are below. Please consider joining us. Seating is limited to reply soon, please, if this gathering interests you.
Date & Time: 6:30 PM, Wednesday, October 26, 2022.
Location: The Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Please enter through the main doors at 225 Madison. Please arrive by 6:15 PM. The Morgan closes at 5Pm but will remain open for our special event — entry permitted right up to 6:30 PM.
Entry guidelines: upon entering the building and the front lobby, head to the Dining Room, which is just a few steps from the lobby.
To RSVP for this event: write to Sophia DuRose at .
ModPo is, as you doubtless already know, our open, free, non-credit online course about modern and contemporary U.S. poetry. Our focus during the week of the NYC webcast will be on these poets among others: Charles Bernstein, Lyn Hejinian, Susan Howe, Harryette Mullen, Tyrone Williams, John Keene, Ron Silliman and others. To be part of our discussion that night, you need not be familiar with the work of these poets. The format will be 100% discussion, Q&A, personal interaction. Join us!