audio-only livestream of ModPo webcasts!
We are pleased to announce that you can now listen to an audio livestream of a live ModPo webcast. This is ideal for folks with slow internet connections, and for people who are traveling...
We are pleased to announce that you can now listen to an audio livestream of a live ModPo webcast. This is ideal for folks with slow internet connections, and for people who are traveling...
Below is a list of some of the essays submitted in response to essay assignment #1 that could use some more responses. Please take a moment today or very soon to click on one...
Week 2 of ModPo 2020 has begun! This week, as you know, we will explore poems written by poets who are influenced by—and/or are responding to—Dickinson and Whitman. For a 5 1/2-minute video introduction...
It’s Friday of week 1 of ModPo 2020. Still plenty of time to read week 1 poems and watch videos before we turn to week 2. But if you run out of time this...
Al gave this talk at the graduation ceremonies of the College of Liberal and Professional Studies at the University of Pennsylvania in May 2020:
Thanks to the editing talents of Makena Deveraux, we are now making available a 24-minute abridgment of the original 40-minute discussion of Tracie Morris’s “Slave Show to Video aka Black but Beautiful.” It is...
Thanks to the talented editing of Makena Deveraux, we are now making available an abridged, 20-minute version of our discussion of Helen Adam’s “Cheerless Junkie’s Song.” See below for the revised list and links...
Alison Borkowska is organizing another meet-up (via Zoom) that will happen on August 28. See below for a link to all the details, and also Alison’s email address. If you want to participate, send...
Stephen Collis and Karis Shearer joined Al Filreis to talk about Fred Wah’s “Between You and Me There Is an I” — at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. The video recording of...
This was an argument against massive open online courses (MOOCs) made back in 2014, when this form of learning was relatively new. How does the argument fare today? HERE is a link to a...