Introduction to week 5 in 2024 (9/29/24)
Here is a copy of the announcement Al has just sent around to all ModPo people. If you are reading this and wonder why you didn’t receive it by email, please write to
Here is a copy of the announcement Al has just sent around to all ModPo people. If you are reading this and wonder why you didn’t receive it by email, please write to
Week 5, week 5! Today is our first day of week 5. The main syllabus for week 5 is divided into four parts or “chapters.” Chapter 3 is about the communist poets of the...
I’m pleased to announce that we are adding a new video—about Langston Hughes’s “Dinner Guest: Me”—to ModPo’s *main* *syllabus* for week 5. (This was one of the videos we made when we had a...
We have added Gwendolyn Brooks’s poem “The Chicago Picasso” to week 5 of ModPoPLUS. Here is a link to the text of the poem. Here is a link to the video inside the ModPo...
Here is an edited clip from our October 2018 webcast discussion of Gwendolyn Brooks’s “Boy Breaking Glass”:
We are convening a special SloPo season (off season) ModPo live webcast on Thursday, June 6, starting at noon Philly time. Please plan to join us! Click this link then: We will be...
Go HERE to see an interesting discussion about form and content. One of my responses is below.