Category: Kelly Writers House
Today is our final day working together to read and discuss the poems of the New York School—week 7. Week 8 begins tomorrow. Of course if you only had a chance to read a...
Back in June 2019 many of the ModPo TAs gathered back at the Writers House—a reunion!—to make a series of new videos for the ModPo syllabi. During a break we also filmed a new...
Shetland poet & ModPo regular Christie Williamson reads his poem “Da Burn” and explains it a bit for us at KWH:
Josh Schuster takes a question about the founding of the Writers House and turns it into an observation about the poem as a utopian space. Watch this 1-minute video.
We have added a new poem & video to the ModPoPLUS syllabus for week 2 (Dickinsonians and Whitmanians). The poem is Rae Armantrout’s “Speech Acts.” During the poet’s visit to the Kelly Writers House...
Yesterday was Alumni Day at Penn. Judy Ribble Glenn came to campus from her home in New Mexico, in order to celebrate her 60th class reunion (yes, she is in the Penn Class of...
I love my affiliation with ModPo and this is the time of year when I take time to reflect on what’s good and sweet in my life. ModPo is good and sweet, for sure!...
Here is a video clip from our week 9 (November 7, 2018) live webcast—in which guest poet/teacher Joshua Schuster (one of the founders of the Writers House in 1995-96) discusses the classroom and the...
ModPo 2018 final words webcast. Here are some photos from the KWH point of view of this annual worldwide gathering.
Yesterday Al was hanging around at a Kelly Writers House open house (for Penn’s homecoming day). A ModPo’er who is not affiliated with Penn other than through ModPo, who happened to be in Philly...