Japanese imagism in ModPo
Here are some links you will find in ModPoPLUS for week 3 pertaining to Japanese poets’ response to the rise of modernism in the U.S. (and to imagism in particular): PART TEN: MICHIYO NAKAMOTO...
Here are some links you will find in ModPoPLUS for week 3 pertaining to Japanese poets’ response to the rise of modernism in the U.S. (and to imagism in particular): PART TEN: MICHIYO NAKAMOTO...
We have now added Hugh MacDiarmid’s “A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle” to the ModPoPLUS syllabus for week 3. Or, to be more precise, we discuss three passages from that long poem. Joining...
Tomorrow (Sunday, September 30th) week 4 of ModPo 2018 begins. Perhaps today is a good day for reading a few more week 3 poem (perhaps THIS ONE), viewing a few more videos (such as THIS ONE), and commenting in some...
Three ModPo things today: 1) WEBCAST. Tomorrow (Wednesday, September 26) at 10 AM Philadelphia time we will be convening our week 3 live webcast. Please plan to join us live if you possibly can....
ModPoPLUS keeps expanding. Week 3’s ModPoPLUS syllabus includes some 76 poems and videos. Below are some relatively new videos. A sampling of ModPoPLUS videos for week 3: watch discussion of “Portrait d’une Femme” filmed...
Week 3 of ModPo 2018 begins! We hope you enjoy the intense, terse imagist poems we offer through the syllabus. I’ll have more to say about these early modernist poems tomorrow. Meantime, be sure...
Greetings on this Friday of week 2 of ModPo 2018! Today I suggest that you read or re-read a few more week 2 poems, and prepare yourself to move on to week 3, which begins on...
Getting ready for week 3 of ModPo, Al has revised and expanded the headnote to the week 3 syllabus in ModPoPLUS: In the first part of week 3—on the rise of modernism in the...