Week 5 begins (& other updates)
Week 5, week 5! Today is our first day of week 5. The main syllabus for week 5 is divided into four parts or “chapters.” Chapter 3 is about the communist poets of the...
Week 5, week 5! Today is our first day of week 5. The main syllabus for week 5 is divided into four parts or “chapters.” Chapter 3 is about the communist poets of the...
I’m pleased to announce that we are adding a new video—about Langston Hughes’s “Dinner Guest: Me”—to ModPo’s *main* *syllabus* for week 5. (This was one of the videos we made when we had a...
We have now added Julia Vinograd’s “Street Detail” to ModPoPLUS—to week 5 (chapter 4). The text and a video recording of a discussion about this poem with ModPo’ers in Los Angeles has been added...
We have added Gwendolyn Brooks’s poem “The Chicago Picasso” to week 5 of ModPoPLUS. Here is a link to the text of the poem. Here is a link to the video inside the ModPo...
ModPo’er & teacher Christan Bush tried the ModPo method of collaborative close reading with her students, and it worked! And you can watch it work! The poem they discussed is Theodore Roethke’s “The Waking.”...
Here is an edited clip from our October 2018 webcast discussion of Gwendolyn Brooks’s “Boy Breaking Glass”:
Sina Queyras wrote her response to Sylvia Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” and it is called “I Am No Lady, Lazarus.” The ModPo team traveled to Montreal in October 2018, and met Sina Queryas at Concordia...
Go HERE to see an interesting discussion about form and content. One of my responses is below.
Please plan to join us for our week 5 webcast tomorrow (Wednesday, October 10) at 5 PM Philadelphia time. Tomorrow morning I will send the usual guidelines and will describe options for participating. Meantime,...
Welcome, truly, to ModPo 2018 week 5! Below I’ve copied one of the four headnotes to the main week 5 syllabus—on “chapter 4” (the second of week 5’s four parts), the Harlem Renaissance. And...