On poetry as yoga (Jason Zuzga)
Watch this 4-minute clip from a 2018 webcast in which Jason Zuzga talks about poetry as yoga:
Watch this 4-minute clip from a 2018 webcast in which Jason Zuzga talks about poetry as yoga:
On the pleasures & disappointments of making your own aleatory (chance-based) poetry—a video clip from our week 9 webcast in 2018. Josh Schuster joined us for this webcast.
VIDEO: on teaching with Bernadette Mayer’s list of writing experiments. Al is joined by erica kaufman and Anna Strong Safford. Al picks out a few of Mayer’s ideas and asks erica and Anna to...
Here is a video clip from our week 9 (November 7, 2018) live webcast—in which guest poet/teacher Joshua Schuster (one of the founders of the Writers House in 1995-96) discusses the classroom and the...
Here is a further discussion of (Cage’s idea of) defamiliarizing and defamiliarizing language—a video clip from our November 7, 2018 week 9 live webcast:
Here is a video clip from the week 9 live webcast (November 7, 2018).
AL: Meaning making takes a little bit of a turn here in week nine, because the meaning gets created unintentionally. So, what’s the future of meaning? And, where does meaning go from here? And,...
Celina found a wonderful prompt for her mesostic re-writing. Below is her explanation & here is where you can find her mesostic poem: https://www.coursera.org/learn/modpo/discussions/all/threads/whmWHOUkEeim-Ap6C5Wgvg
If you go back to week 5 (chapter 3—on communist poets) and find Genevieve Taggard’s “Interior,” and then remove all the words beginning with “a” (per one of the Bernadette Mayer experiments), this is...