Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”) Blog

Doug Kearney reading added to PennSound

PennSound is now making available the segmented audio recording of Doug Kearney’s presentation/reading in the Kelly Writers House “City Planning Poetics Series” (curated & hosted by Davy Knittle)—October 23, 2018. Kearney appears variously in...

fall 2022 webcast schedule

NOTE: All times given are Eastern U.S. Time. Click HERE to watch any webcast live. 1) Wed 9/7/22, 3 pm (wk 1)2) Wed 9/14/22, 9:30 am (wk 2)3) Wed 9/21/22, 11 am (wk 3)...

ModPo 2022 schedule (draft)

Here, below, is the schedule for ModPo 2022. This is not finalized but will give you a fairly accurate sense of what we have planned. ModPo 2022 schedule Saturday, Sept 3                     opening day Sun...