Frost’s wall today
A friend is staying near Frost’s farm and sent us these two photos of Frost’s wall, looking rather unmended.
A friend is staying near Frost’s farm and sent us these two photos of Frost’s wall, looking rather unmended.
Long-time devoted ModPo citizen Richard Weil has passed away. He participated thoughtful and consistently in ModPo discussions (especially “SloPo”/off-season mini-courses) for years. He joined Max McKenna’s Chicago meet-ups and I had the pleasure of...
GERTRUDE STEIN IN GENERAL 1.1 watch discussion on how we assess and value Stein’s writing:LINK TO VIDEO [OFFSITE COPY] 1.2 watch Rachel Blau DuPlessis describe how Stein resists normative reading: LINK TO VIDEO [OFFSITE...
For the next seven days we will be reading and discussing a very small sampling of poems by Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman. In ModPo we think of then as proto-modernist poets. Whether that...
Tim Yu and Jo Park met with Al in summer 2021 to talk about passages from Brandon Shimoda’s book The Desert. Here is a link to the text they discussed: LINK TO TEXT And...
Many of you know that our amazing Anna Strong Stafford has been appointed to the teaching faculty at Episcopal Academy (her alma mater) and will begin what will doubtless be a distinguished teaching career...
Dan Bergmann was a student in the very first ModPo season (fall 2012), his first course of any sort at that time, where he wrote his first (marvelous) essays and, during our Final Words...
Watch this one-minute excerpt from our discussion of Emily Dickinson’s dashes:
Al visited Coursera headquarters in Mountain View, California, a few years ago and recorded a video in which he gave an overview of ModPo as an open online course (“MOOC”). Here is a one-minute...